About Arthur Karter

Arthur Karter

Here are my most recent posts

Meridian Coin Review

Meridian Coin Review

Precious metals like gold and silver have been prized as a store of value for centuries. In recent years, a new type of precious metal has been gaining popularity as an investment: the Meridian coin. Precious metal coins are a popular item among collectors and investors, and the national coin show circuit is a great…

Panda America Review

Panda America Review

Precious metals are a valuable investment, but choosing where to store them can be a challenge. These metals are often held in banks or brokerages, but these locations are not secure not insured, and exposure to these locations can jeopardize your assets. Precious metal investment companies are a safer option, and they offer additional security…

American Buffalo Gold Coin

Coin Dealers Near Me

Are you looking for coin dealers near you?  Finding a coin dealer in your location can be hard, but we’ve put together a list of places we have researched and reviewed.  While this may not fit your search of “coin dealers near me,” you can rest assured the coin business is a global one, and…